Tags: Cave

Aasvoëlkrans Cave
Aasvoelkrans Cave accommodates 8 people and is approximately 3.9km's from the Highmoor Reserve parking area. This is a relatively easy hike. The cave itself is a "double story" cave and sleeping would generally be at the bottom cave.
Their is a steep drop from the top cave and a climb down from the bottom cave to the ...

Bannerman Cave
Bannerman cave is in Lesotho behind Bannerman Face and can be accessed either via Bannerman Pas, Hubi Pass or Langalibalele Pass. The cave is south facing and has a fairly narrow entrance.

Barker's Chalet
Barker's Chalet is a huge overhang overlooking a wonderful wooded gorge within which runs a stream that becomes perfect for swimming during summer.
Because it is so close to Cathedral Peak Hotel, the traffic through the area is high and you will get little privacy during the day.

Bath Plug Cave
Bath Plug Cave is located in the Cobham area.
It's a large cave with bushman paintings, thus no camping is allowed. The cave is 4km from the Cobham Reserve. The cave name comes from the large hole in the cave through which the water disappears into.
The images in Bath Plug Cave are very eroded as a result of natural ...

Battle Cave
This cave is located in the Injasuthi (translated as valley of the well-fed dog) valley and is a 5-hour hike from the Injasuthi camp. The cave is fenced so cannot be accessed without a guide.
Interpretation: The human figures appear to be arranged in a composition that suggests a fight. Some figures have arrows notche ...